Ohio Legislative Link  The Ohio Senate
Ohio Legislative Link  Ohio House of Representatives
Ohio Legislative Link  legislature.ohio.gov
 VFW of OHIO - State Legislation | Facebook

You can see the national priorities by visiting the National VFW Legislative Priorities page.
 You can see the VFW Reports from the Ohio Statehouse Committee Meetings here:

Take Action NOW H.R. 2413, the Dental Care for Veterans Act
Legislative Newsletter September 2023
Legislative Newsletter October 2023
Legislative Newsletter November 2023 
Legislative Newsletter December 2023
Legislative Newsletter January 2024
Legislative Newsletter March 2024
Legislative Newsletter April 2024
Legislative Newsletter May 2024
Legislative Newsletter July 2024

The things which affect veterans in Ohio are followed closely and you can find out more about specific issues as we publish updates in our News Section.
Action Corps
The VFW Action Corps is our national grassroots advocacy network comprised of more than 300,000 VFW members and patriotic supporters of veterans. This group stays up-to-date on the issues facing our veterans, our military and their families, standing ready to email, write, call and visit our nation�€�s lawmakers to make their voices heard. The VFW Action Corps is free and open to all patriotic Americans who care about the military and veterans�€� communities.  READ MORE...

Statewide News

News & Info from your department

Job Opportunities with VFW

VFW DEPARTMENT OF OHIO POSITION VACANCY VFW Department of Ohio Administrative Support Specialist

National News

Important info from National VFW

VFW at the Starting Gate for the 125th National Convention

LOUISVILLE - Iraq War Medal of Honor recipient, author and radio talk show host David Bellavia...

VFW Action Alert: Vote Yes to Include the Major Richard Star Act in the NDAA

More than 53,000 veterans have been discharged from military service because they sustained injuries while serving our country in...